Sunday 29 March 2009

Clocks go forward... yay!

The clocks have finally gone forward, and I was able to spend a leisurely Sunday shopping and mooching about before heading down to the allotment at about 4pm. From there I worked until about 7.45pm. There was a fight at the co-op just across the road I think, and police cars were parked there most of the time I was there. It's not in a great area, to be honest.

Today I tried an audiobook on my ipod - Northern Lights by Phil Pullman. I lost track of time entirely, it's a fantastic book with beautifully realised characters. I'd love to be a writer myself one day, and this showed me just what I should be aspiring to. I didn't plant much, but I did buy some peas at Frosts, the other big garden centre. For some reason it seems a little smaller and grubbier than Huntingdon Garden and Leisure, but the prices are just as extortionate. I bought some pea plants, since mine seem extremely slow to start. The compost they were in was so light that the plugs just fell apart as I took them out of the tray. I'm not too optimistic about their survival. I've transferred the cabbages, tomatoes and peppers from home into the cold frame. The cabbages seem too leggy really, and I had to throw out a tray of brussels sprouts and leeks since I left them on the draining board where they were extensively grazed on by the cats.

Harvested quite a bit of broccoli, including some of the purple sprouting, and one of the remaining cabbages. One of the robins managed to get under the pigeon netting - he soon found his way out though. He's incredibly tame and startled me when he practically landed on my foot. The birds have slowed down on the bird seed a bit. I'm putting out the regular stuff now, not extortionately expensive sunflower hearts. Still quite a bit of traffic, but no-one has adopted the nest boxes yet.

Planted: Pea, Early Onward

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