Saturday 21 March 2009

Carrots ho!

Nothing much to report. Got the carrots in. I'm trying them in containers to beat the dread carrot fly. I've put a mix of 45% garden soil, 45% potting compost, 10% sharp sand and a sprinkling of water retaining gel/fertiliser. I also bought a box of 100 fat balls from Petsmart, which officially makes me a bird-obsessed sucker. Can't help it, I love those little guys; outside the window at work they're like 24 hour reality TV. Nothing happening with the nestboxes yet - I suppose I'll just need to wait until next year. In other news the broad beans are coming up. No sign of the spring onions and beetroot, but the purple sprouting is going to need harvesting soonish. No sign either of my irritating Bulgarian language student pal. Also I found a 1938 penny on Jim' plot as I was wandering past. I shall present it to him tomorrow as he will doubtless be around.

I've found the best windowsill in the house for seeds and put my propogators there. The tomatoes are doing nicely, but nowhere to put them in the absence of a greenhouse. I can stick them in the cold frame, I suppose, so still a few weeks to sort it out.


Carrot: Paris Market
Carrot: Early Nantes

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