Saturday 5 July 2008

First Post

Testing, testing... This is the first post in my allotment blog, hurrah! After five months on the waiting list, I've just taken over plot 15b, a rectangle of land about 4 foot high in assorted weeds and thistles. The council is sending the paperwork, I've introduced myself to next door neighbour in 15a and had a long conversation with a lady called Clare about crop rotation. On the plus side, there's a thirty year old apple tree on the plot. On the minus side, some of the brambles have been there so long they've become sentient. Mr optimist next door tells me that the soil is awful and the thistle roots go three foot down. It's going to be a lot of work getting this thing going. The lady who had it before gave up after she'd cleared one corner. Apparently I need old carpets. And a strimmer! Let the hunt begin!