Saturday, 28 February 2009

Yay! March!

It's March (as near as dammit) and I've been planting the first lot of seeds in mini propogators. Only a few plants of each, I'm going cautiously first time round and doing lots of successional sowings. My paper pot maker has had its first outing, and to my surprise the little pots are easy to make and seem to be staying in one piece. So, today I've planted:

Chili Pepper: Hot Tepin
Chili Pepper: Cayenne
Pepper: Summer Salad mixed hybrid F1
Tomato: Sungold
Tomato: Suncherry
Tomat0: Roma
Tomato: Garden Pearl
(so many free tomato seeds in gardening magazines!)
Courgette: Black beauty
Courgette: Golden Zucchini
Courgette: Patty Pan
Courgette: Yellow scallop
Aubergine: Black beauty
Cucumber: Marketmore
(I hate cucumber.... but I got the seeds free. Maybe the ones I grow myself will taste nicer)
Sweetcorn: Applause
Brussels Sprouts: Falstaff (the purple ones I have two packs of)
Cabbage: Golden Acre/Primo
Cauliflower: All the year round

I'll leave it a week or so before I plant the veg that needs to go directly into the soil. There's still a lot of preparation to do, and two large patches that need digging over.

Also, my seed potatoes finally arrived. I've put them in the new greenhouse covered with bubble wrap. Let the chitting commence. Also the digging, the potato bed is about a million miles from being ready to plant.

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