Sunday, 15 February 2009

Interesting Weekend...

...well, relatively speaking. I started to put the greenhouse up but found it was short a piece. From the box it seems to have been returned to the store once already, resealed and put back on the shelves again. Not sure whether to return it or just try to replace the piece. it's a sort of corner joint - plumbers use something similar, an 'outlet 90' which costs about a quid and would easily do the trick. Irritating that stores do that though. It happened to me at IKEA once which meant a hundred mile round trip to get my item replaced.

The really interesting thing that happened was that I found what appears to be a stone age hand knife. I've reported it to the council and will see what they have to say. With any luck they will send a team of burly archaeologists to dig over the potato patch. I need to work out how to put pictures on this thing...

On the allotments my fellow plot-holders are starting to emerge like shy fieldmice coming out of hibernation. Mr Best-Kept was around, tidying up his immaculate plot, and Rose the lovely Chinese lady who started at the same time as me also came by to check on her site. Nobody else is mad enough to start digging yet - the soil is still too heavy and cold. We need a full week of dry weather for it to be really workable. I gave up after clearing my future greenhouse site.

I've pretty much written off my cauliflowers and cabbages, by the way. Maybe I'll give them until the end of the month, but unless they start looking a lot brighter they're coming out to give the broccoli more room. I planted them much too closely together. Now they're all affected by downy mildew, made much worse by the cold wet weather. The leeks are doing okay, mind, they seem to be fairly bomb-proof. I might have one for my tea. No sign of the rhubarb yet. All the established plants are starting to make a showing. I've ordered my seed potatoes. Still haven't made a proper compost heap.

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