I put together my heap of junk greenhouse from Argos today. It turns out that I did have all the parts, but some were wrongly labelled and the instructions said that I needed more 'joint A' than I actually did. I wait with bated breath to see if the thing survives the night. I certainly need some bigger pegs. Jim gave me a hand putting the thing up. It didn't quite fit together and may need some additional persuasion with a hammer. Masses of stuff to get planted. I have what seems like hundreds of packets of seeds all due to go in in Feb/Mar. Where did February go, anyway?
By the way last night I had a very nice meal of salvaged cabbage, leeks and spring onions fried until slightly brown and crispy, with pesto and wholemeal pasta. Even though I say so myself, and I am probably the world's lousiest cook, it wasn't half bad.
Jim tells me he's been made redundant, so he's probably going to be down at the allotment a lot. I hope he gets something else soon, but times are not great and I'm vaguely worried that my own job is on the line. Disgruntled Daily Mail reading guy was around too. He was bemoaning the latest break-in. I'm guessing he's one of those 'glass half empty people' since he never, ever seems to be happy about anything, but I've got to admit that it is irritating that the local criminals seem to have the run of the place. He regaled me yet again with the story of how three break-ins ago, someone called the police while the sheds were actually being broken into and was told that it wasn't an emergency. This, much more the actual break-ins, has caused a lot of upset, and I hear the story from different people about three or four times a month. Emails to reply to from the PSCO and Neighbourhood policing officer. If I can get them to come on site to maybe postcode some tools and show a presence it might make people feel a bit more secure.
Left my BlackBerry (not the good kind) lying around on the ground when I left and had to drive back to retrieve it. On Friday I had to drive back because I forgot to lock up. Clearly I am losing my mind. Senility beckons, it's all downhill from here...
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