Sunday, 11 January 2009

And.... eight months or so later, the blog creaks into life. Sorry... I've been busy. The story so far... I've cleared about two thirds of the plot, acquired a shed for forty quid, started a mushroom farm, battled slugs and pigeons, planted a few battered looking cabbages, pruned my apple tree, 'acquired' several sackfuls of dead leaves from work and completely failed to start a proper compost heap. I have a stack of gardening magazines and seed catalogues a foot high. I also have a pair of flowery wellies which my friends bought me for christmas (the family completely ignored my requests for allotment related pressies... c'est la vie, but I did get a £30 argos voucher which should go some way to getting me a greenhouse, assuming they don't go bust before I've saved up the rest). The early nights and cold weather have put a huge crimp into the amount of time I can spend on the allotment. However I've planted raspberries, strawberries and asparagus, all of which are looking pretty miserable, and I'm about to head off and put in some fruit bushes. Wish me luck, gentle reader, the soil at the moment is either frozen solid or horribly boggy.

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